We send books to incarcerated New Yorkers who can't afford them.
We send books to incarcerated New Yorkers who can't afford them.
Our Mission
We send free reading materials to indigent, incarcerated New Yorkers, supporting the literacy, self-empowerment, and imagination of some of our most disenfranchised community members.
Our Process
Some requests come from family members and our legal team. Most requests come from incarcerated people themselves!
We fulfill genre requests with our diverse inventory stocked by book donations. We purchase books to fulfill specific requests within our budget, made possible by generous financial donations. If a title exceeds our per-book budget, we put it on our wishlist.
We package and send every book personally and in accordance with each prison’s rules and regulations.
Books are theirs to keep forever or to share!
What we do
Books sent to incarcerated people since 2016.
Prisons and jails served in New York State.